Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Very First Day of Preschool

The twins had their very first day of preschool August 18th.

Since we visited their teacher 'Ms. Vicki' in May they have been begging me to go to school.

When the big day arrived Caleb and Carissa were so excited that they got dressed and ready faster than speeding bullets - motivation rocks.

When Jeff and I brought them to their classroom it was not a typical scenario you might imagine on the very first day of preschool.
There were no tears, no screaming, no holding on to mom or dad's legs for dear life. Honestly they just wanted us to be on our merry way so that they could check out all of the cool stuff in Ms. Vicki's classroom.

Jeff had to leave for work but I hung around for a bit trying to snap at least one good picture and make sure all was ok. (Of course, I missed the pic of them hugging Ms. Vicki and I couldn't get them to stand still to save my life) But while they wanted me to leave so that they could enjoy their very first day of preschool on their own, part of me wanted to stay and cherish the beginning of nearly two decades of school.

My heart throbbed a bit as I thought about how quickly they have grown from itty-bitty wee ones in to miniature people. My eyes welled up with tears as I said a halfhearted goodbye (with enthusiasm) upon leaving.

When I picked them up they were so excited to tell me about their very first day with classmates Kylee and Nathan, their Bible story (Noah's Ark), snack time, the toys and the letter 'a'.

Caleb and Carissa rated the very first day of preschool an A+


  1. Glad it went so well! I can't believe they're in preschool already!

  2. they grow up so fast it's not even fair, they are adorable.

  3. I love Caleb's haircut ... can't believe they're in preschool!!! What are your big plans while they are getting so smart with Ms. Vicki???
