My Mom, aka 'Nana' came to visit us but she came and went very quickly. She was here two days before we had to send her back home on an airplane.
No more than 12 hours after her arrival she was unable to move her right shoulder and arm. Even with medication the pain was unbearable. After a series of events and talking to the on-call oncologist in Phoenix, consulting via Skype with our family chiropractor (my uncle), and attending the hospital emergency room it was decided that further diagnostics and care were necessary in AZ. In short the tests indicate a badly torn rotators cuff. (More details can be read on her blog - Strength of My Soul.)
We are thankful that Nana was here but it was a disappointment for her to leave. I know we made the best choice but the reality of her health issues hit the softer spots of our hearts.
Although my mom has been an exception to the norm I know that we are on an extended journey. The journey is occasionally calm, sometimes distressing and often intense like a winding road with unpredictable turns and random stops.
Sometimes I want to escape the ups and downs, other times I want to accept them. Admitting my conflict, it isn't my desire to shun the zigzags of the journey. Instead I want to embrace the joyful moments and grieve the sorrowful ones with harmony and balance.
May I learn to walk this journey well and ultimately experience authentic transformation.
Beautiful writing, Angie. Love you!