Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Snack Attack

Today I restocked the snack stash in my CRV.

A friend recently asked me how I'm always prepared with snacks. So I thought I would share my time managing, tantrum saving, get out the door on time, thrifty strategy for the tots daily 'snack attack' while on the go.

In my car I keep a Tupperware container of non perishable snacks - graham crackers, multi grain cheerios with raisins, goldfish, fruit leather, raisins, TLC bars etc...

Then when I'm out and about and I haven't had time to bring sliced apples, grapes or string cheese, I have some grub for my underfed children. Or, when I've changed plans and suddenly need a little tide me over...I'm prepared.

Snack Attack!


  1. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing! I so appreciate your tips for avoiding twin trouble.

  2. That's impressive. I won't dare take a picture of the inside of my mom mobile ... it's a tad more MESSY! But I didn't find a lot of snacks in my purse today. Apparently that's where I like to keep all the extras in case somebody gets the munchies!

  3. You're so good!!!! Love you and miss you bunches!!!!
