Thursday, December 17, 2009


As I mentioned in a previous post, I love birthdays.

And since Jesus' birthday celebration is only 8 days away I've been thinking:


Not to be confused with the overly used phrase 'What Would Jesus Do?', I was struck today by 'What Would Jesus Want?'. For his birthday party that is.

Ever find yourself being asked or asking someone what they want for their birthday? certainly.

Honestly though, I've never stopped to ask Jesus what he would want for his birthday. We celebrate the season by giving gifts to one another but if Jesus was sitting next to me and feasting on my plate of carrots and hummus what would he say he wanted for his birthday?

Would it be something I could give him? Broader than that? Or both?

I invite you to step back from the hustle and bustle of the season and just stop.

Stop doing.

Stop obsessing about the long list of things to do.

Just stop.

And ask the One who gives us all good gifts "Jesus, what do you want for your birthday?".

And that's exactly what I'm going to do right now.

goodbye computer. hello Jesus.

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