Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for Thursdays.

Thursday is my day to catch up on my full time job of homemaker after my part time job of voice teacher.

This morning after getting the kids off to preschool I tackled laundry piles, cleaned up the kitchen, prepped tonight's dinner, made homemade turkey stock, planned two weeks of meals with a grocery list and coupons, and managed to make it to the gym for a 40 min. workout, all before picking up the kids.

While there are some days accomplishing these tasks at break neck speed would make my head spin, this morning was the contrary.

I felt truly grateful that I can serve my family by maintaining a peaceful home. I believe that our home is a sanctuary for our family and others to find refreshment, encouragement and rest - ultimately used for the glory of God.

I'm also thankful for the imported blueberries I purchased at Whole Foods yesterday. Even though they aren't in season the high antioxidant fruits made my day!

And, I'm thankful that my mom is doing well considering all things.

Thank you God!

"Therefore I will praise you, Lord among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name." 2 Samuel 22:50

1 comment:

  1. I need you to show me how to get all that accomplished in 2 hours! It would take me WEEKS to get all that done! Maybe you could just send me your menus???
