Friday, October 3, 2008

Good News

Yesterday, we got the good news: MOM HAS CLEAN BLOOD & BONE MARROW. This means the biopsy did not detect any cancer cells in the blood or marrow. When my mom told me the news I had to pinch myself. Is this for real or am I dreaming?

The news was a huge lift to everyone, especially my mom. The hematologist and oncologist are very pleased.

The first phase of mom's chemotherapy treatment (Induction Chemotherapy) is standard for patients with AML. The goal of induction chemotherapy is to bring the disease into remission. Remission is when the patients blood counts return to normal and bone marrow samples show no sign of disease (less than 5% of cells are leukemia cells). Induction chemotherapy has been very intense. It has consisted of one week of the drugs Cytarabine/Idarubicin, followed by three weeks of recovery. At this time she has 2 more weeks of recovery.

Successful induction chemotherapy destroys most of the leukemia cells, but typically a few will be left in the body. If these cells are not destroyed, they can cause a relapse of the disease. More treatment is needed to destroy the remaining leukemia cells. The next step will be consolidation chemotherapy.

I know we still have a long road ahead of us. Leukemia is a tough disease to battle but I am hoping and believing for the best outcome.

If you would like to send a note of encouragement to my dear mama send it to:
Arrowhead Hospital
Sharon Hurley
18701 N. 67th Avenue
Glendale, AZ 85308

Please don't send flowers as she is unable to have them in her room.

Thank you for taking the time to read the 'good news'.


  1. Praise God! That is such great news. We have been and will continue to pray each day. So glad to hear such encouraging news. :)

  2. Oh ... I have just the perfect piece of J How art to send her way! I'll put it in the mail tomorrow!
